Editor: TypeIt ReadIt for Mac can help users who are visually impaired, cannot read, desire to improve their reading comprehension, or just want to listen to their documents Read Aloud. This program changes the font color and font size with ease. This program also reads text aloud to the user. For users who wish to listen to their documents on CD, iPod, or other media, TypeIt ReadIt can convert text to a spoken sound file by using its text-to-speech technology. These sound files can be inserted into iTunes, CD, an iPod, PowerPoint, iMovie, Audacity or any other software or device that supports sound files. This can allow students, with speech difficulties, to place the sound files in their presentations, so they can participate with lessons and class activities. With TypeIt ReadIt, students can listen to their documents on their iPod. Business people can convert their emails, documents, and memos to listen to them on their car radio while they are stuck in rush-hour traffic. Also, TypeIt ReadIt is a useful alternative for young children’s typing lessons instead of using a confusing word processor.